How to select the photos for your portfolio

So you've just got your photos back from your recent photoshoot... how exciting!

Now, it's time you select some photos to go into your portfolio. Most portfolios contain 6-20 images so if you've just received hundreds of photos back from your photographer then you've got some tough decisions to make!

We have 4 things to keep at the front of your mind which will (hopefully) make the decision making process easier!

1. Variety

Probably the most important thing to consider when you're selecting your portfolio photos is variety! You want to have as much variety between your shots as possible. Think different poses, outfits, backdrops, face poses, and even hairstyles! The more variety the better so definitely don't pick two photos that are almost exactly the same.

2. Get a second opinion - you're likely to be a bit biased!

No one is going to be more critical on your photos than YOU! If you're struggling to pick between a few photos get someone else to have a look for you. When we're looking at photos of ourselves we tend to bring in a heap of baggage that can hold us back from making the best decision. 

For example, if you're really self conscious about a certain part of your body, you're likely to lean towards photos that make that body part look the way you want it to - regardless of how the rest of the photo looks!

This means that you might be missing out on some incredible portfolio shots all because you're too worried about something that no one else would even notice!

So, try showing someone close to you the photos and see what they think. If they really love a few photos then maybe consider putting them in your portfolio!

3. Consider the sub industry that you want to get into

Make sure you always keep the sub industry you want to get into in the front of your mind when selecting your photos. If you're keen on getting into commercial modelling, then put in a few extra smiling shots. Likewise, if you're thinking about getting into high fashion, make sure you put some more high fashion poses in there.

4. Don't be self critical!

Try not to over analyse or criticise every single photo. Go with your gut and remember to look at all of your FAVOURITE things about yourself in each photo instead of the things you might not like so much. 

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