How to use Reels to gain Instagram followers

If you're on a mission to build your Instagram following then Instagram's new(ish) feature, Reels, is something you really should be giving a go.

A quick intro to Instagram Reels

Basically, the Instagram Reels feature gives you the chance to film and edit mini videos within the Instagram app and then post them to both your feed and a special 'Reels' section on your profile.

When you post a Reel, you also get the chance to appear in the Reels explore feed. This means that if you create an awesome Reel, you can get in front of a much bigger audience than just your followers and this means you have the chance to grow your following in a BIG way!

How to create Reels that build Instagram followers!

Here are our top tips when it comes to creating Reels that REELY work (see what I did there?).

1. Create your reel inside the Instagram app

This includes filming, audio creation, and editing! Don't think you need to have a professionally filmed and edited video to have a great Reel - in fact it is the complete opposite. The more 'real' you can make your video feel, the better. If you can, create your whole Reel from within the app. Instagram's algorithm will reward you! Also, ALWAYS film in portrait mode!

2. Capture your audience with a great opening and keep them around with fun transitions

You will only have a maximum of 60 seconds for you Reel, but don't think that your audience can't get bored in that time. Make sure you start off with a great opening, and then consider using transitions to keep people watching until the end.

3. Make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end

Think of your Reel like a story. You want to make sure you have a beginning (where you introduce WHAT the video is about), a middle (where you give the content), and an end (a nice concluding moment).

4. Don't forget about hashtags

Hashtags are just as important in Reels as they are in any other type of Instagram content. Consider using hashtags that relate to your content and are moderately common (and not overused). You can use up to 30 hashtags, so it's best to experiment to find what works best for you. 

5. Make sure your INSTA PROFILE matches your REEL CONTENT

This is probably the most important thing about creating Reels that convert into followers. Don't fall into the trap of thinking high engagement = high followers. If you post Reels that get a high engagement (lots of views, likes and comments), but you don't see your followers increase, then chances are that your Reel doesn't match with the rest of your Instagram content. 

Make sure that whatever your Reel is about is related to the rest of your content. So, if your entire account is about health and fitness, then stick to Reels about health and fitness. Although these Reels might get a lower engagement, they will be more likely to convert that engagement into loyal followers. 

6. Keep an eye on trends, and don't be afraid to jump on board

Although it's important to create unique content for your followers, don't be afraid to follow a trend every now and then. This could mean using an audio track that is really popular right now, or even participating in a challenge. 

Just make sure that you are always aligning your Reels with the rest of your profile content!

7. Customise your cover image

One of the cool features in Reels is that you can upload your own cover image for your videos. This means you don't have to choose a moment in the video for the cover image!

When creating a cover, make sure it has a title (what your Reel is about) and matches with the colours/filters/feel of the rest of the Reel. 

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